I'm really going to miss good IPA's after I've made my move to the Midwest. You just can't find the same solid beer out there that you can up and down the West Coast. Here's to hoping that I'm pleasantly surprised and proven wrong but for now, I'll chalk it up as a sacrifice.
You are exactly right, soak up the good beer while you can because out this direction the racer 5, any deschutes, new belgium, marble, etc... just don't exist. Shannon and I spent months trying to figure out how to order good beer on the internet... shipping is really expensive. Number one frustration of moving this direction.
I've looked into online orders, too! Shipping cost is through the roof and that's if you can even order what you're looking for. Bummer. Good things wait on the other end but I'll have to get back to the West Coast before too long.
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