Wednesday, June 25, 2008

PB and Kelp

A rainy and overcast day at Pacific Beach is a rarity in the summer but even a day like this can be a great one.

About kelp: for whatever reason, sometimes kelp just creeps me out.  I'm talking serious heebie-jeebies.  On shore it all looks fine and dandy, no harm in it all.  But in the water it's a different story.  Out of it's element, the kelp just lays out on the sand like any other harmless plant.  It's when I'm in the water that I swear the kelp wraps itself around my leg and tries to pull me under.  I know it's not really but when you're 200ft. off shore, waiting and hoping for the swell to build a little, anything that touches your leg in deep water is likely to irk you a bit and send an abrupt surge of panic coursing through your body.

Look at me, seeming like I surf all the time.  I don't surf.  I really wish I did but my experience with kelp in deep water is pretty much limited to the time I've spent boogie boarding and even that is now more of a past-time than anything.  No lie.