Waiting around before starting your pre-race warm-up is torture. Anxiety wells up inside of you and at some point, unless you are one of a very fortunate few, doubt, fear, and the most creative excuses for poor performance launch an invasion of the runner's psyche. Whether those things are allowed to squander a race altogether is always entirely up to the runner.
Team Camp always seems to look like this. Bags laid everywhere, assorted snacks and water bottles everywhere, singlets and numbers carefully laid out...everywhere.
And there are always a few people with their heads down on a table, trying to get a quick pre-race nap. Races tend to be in the morning and that means getting there early.
Yes. I have been an utter failure at posting the photos that I took two weekends ago at Oxy's conference championship cross country meet.
And yes, I am finally starting the massive project that entails weeding through the 700+ images that I came out of that weekend with! My thinking is that if I start posting now, I'll be compelled to continue doing so until the conference coverage is complete and if I make it through without faltering, without stopping for a day or two or more, then that alone will be something to be proud of. So hold onto your butts, folks...here we go.
Every year that I've lived away from home, my mom has sent me a birthday package filled with a few gifts and something she baked back at home (usually cookies, banana bread, or the personal favorite...lemon-poppyseed cake). I'm now 24 years old and loving the fact that I still get a birthday package from home once a year. It's not about asking for certain things and hoping I get them as gifts. I hardly ask for anything in particular anymore or know what to ask for in the first place. What I love about my birthday box is that when I open it and see gifts that were unmistakably wrapped by my mom and catch the smell of sweet, tangy lemon-sugar glaze, I feel like I'm home celebrating with my family. For the time that I take everything out of the birthday box, lay it out before me, and meticulously go through all of the contents while unwrapping with care, I know that the only thing missing from the complete birthday experience is them. Nothing beats a birthday box if I can't be at home.
For all you Oxy fans that are waiting for the past weekend's fotos, I promise they're coming. And I promise they're coming soon. In the meantime, tomorrow is the most monumental election of my lifetime and probably of yours as well, so get out and cast your vote. If you're lucky...and if I'm productive...there will be fotos waiting for you by the end of the day.